This breakfast dish is inspired by traditional Spanish tortillas made with potatoes, this healthy frittata recipe swaps potatoes for low-carb cauliflower. Serve it along with kale...
Bring a taste of Spain to your table tonight with great-tasting gazpacho featuring tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, garlic and parsley. A slight twist on the summer classic, this grilled tomato gazpacho is made...
Using only a handful of ingredients, including coconut milk as the base, this ice cream is a great alternative for those of you looking for a cold and creamy treat,...
Salmon fillets are delicious cooked in a variety of ways from grilling, poaching and pan-frying to baking in the oven. Baking a Salmon Fillet with the covering of...
These eggplant and tomato stacks present beautifully and taste amazing and fresh but the best part is how simple they are to make. In just a few minutes you can have an elegant side dish...
These healthy low-carb Greek Chicken Bombs are the perfect quick & easy-to-prepare meal for your lunch box! These bowls are packed full of flavor and it’s the perfect recipe for batch cooking...
Roasting isn’t the first cooking method when you think of Cauliflower but the results are quite delicious and fantastic. Also roasting the cauliflower gave it...
A killer recipe for chicken meatballs with the classic Greek flavors and the cool tzatziki sauce. This is the most amazingly quick, flavorful and impressive little meatball. Outstanding on it’s own and completely...
Sauteed Cauliflower & Grape Tomatoes is a really versatile dish that can be made either as a side dish or a main dish. It does call for Pancetta, but that can easily be...
You can serve this sautéed fennel and shrimp with a tomato-caper sauce in whatever way you like to have it. You can serve it with low carb zoodles or if...
The delicious combination of sweet, tart and savory flavors makes a simple dish the star of a weeknight meal. Serve with whole-wheat couscous, to soak up the tasty sauce. Recipe...